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Tran Ngoc Huong (b.1993, Vietnam) graduated from the Bachelor of Hanoi University of Industrial Fine Arts, Vietnam, majoring in Pottery and Sculpture in the year 2016. As a graduate from BA of Pottery, Tran's Passion for arts aspires her to further pursue her knowledge by moving abroad to Singapore to major in Fine Arts specialising in Graphic Novels in LASALLE College of the Arts.


During her education journey, she ignites a passion in the exploration of arts medium in drawing, painting and especially in watercoloring. Tran's drawings are created with a soft and high quality of watercolors in mythological concepts. She enjoys the process of making the drawing in a panel for her graphic novels. Her art is an inspiration through her own ways of looking at fantasy and mythological worlds which allows the readers seek the enjoyment of every scene in the graphic novels. This bring the readers to a new world to beyond their imagination.

"I find myself referencing to the theme of fantasy and fictional most of the time which ignites an inspiration on my prospective works as it explores the varying relationships between tradition mythological, fine arts and graphic novels.


We live in a modern society where our heads are often wrapped around the present, We often neglect to acknowledge the thousand of tradition mythological stories scattered across the world. Watercolouring gives me an opportunity to immerse myself in the world beyond imagination. It creates a platform for me to create my personal fantasy graphic novels, allowing me to bring the most illusory concept to the minds of many people. 


The subject matter of using watercolor is to deliver the illusion of the mythological concepts with the considerations of aspects on textures on the medium. Every paint stroke by the watercolor would be the only virtue of the featured watercolor.


I am aspired to turn my fictional visions of watercoloring into life to possibly impact positively on our younger generations and prospective readers".


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